Thursday 4 December 2014

Work Diary - Walk Two

I really enjoyed this session because there was no limit on what we had to take photographs of. Of course, our main theme was Autumn but we also took some pictures showing contrast, journey and back of heads. The change of scenery was great because I had the opportunity to photographs completely different objects/scenes rather than the usual college scenes. However, I was holding back at first because I wasn't entirely sure whether I could photograph exactly anything I wanted but as we continued on our walk, I became more confident in what I was supposed to be doing and started taking more and more pictures. I found it interesting to find new ways of photographing scenes or objects.

This picture was successful because it shows contrast, colour and emphasises on the theme of Autumn. The colours are really bright and colourful, bringing life to the picture. It also contrasts with the green grass, making it stand out even more. I like the variety between the colours of the leaves; the contrast between the yellow and brown further shows contrast with the grass and makes the picture more colourful and more attractive. The muddy pathway also shows contrast with the leaves. The angle in which I took the picture shows depth, portraying a sense of journey.

I think this picture could have been better. I could have stood right in front of the stairs and get a better view of it. I should have also used a lower angle in order to really show a sense of journey, by showing the element of depth. I think this was a great photo opportunity; the greenery contrasts with the stairs, making it stay out. It also shows a sense of journey as we can see that the plants have overgrown and starting to cover the stairs - this portrays adventure and suggests that not a lot of people go through this way, highlighting some sort of journey. The muddy leaves on the ground contrasts with the rest of the picture and suggest cold weather conditions - the leaves are also found on the stairs as it goes up, emphasising on how muddy it is.

If we do this session again, I would concentrate more on the orangey colour of Autumn, I think this will really highlight the theme and will automatically make my pictures look more colourful and exciting. It will also give out a cool atmosphere.

I will be able to show depth, allowing me to photograph even more leaves, showing off the orangey colour.

I could show contrast between the orangey colour and the blue sky.

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