Wednesday 3 December 2014

Robert Mapplethorpe - Extended Video Notes

  • Born in 1946, died of AIDS in 1989
  • Lived in New York City (suburban America) and was brought up a Catholic
  • He wasn't religious but had a Catholic way of arranging objects
  • Moved to Brooklyn because he didn't like the calmness of the suburbs
  • Went to the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, where he studied Graphic Arts
  • Known for his portraits (black and white), used on album covers

  • Mostly documented Manhattan's gay community and his work was sometimes seen as pornography
  • He didn't set out to shock, his work was what he personally thought would work well as portraits
  • The contents of his work are provocative and controversial but the quality is still incredibly high
  • Some say his work has merged the lines of what's acceptable and of what's not
  • His work has a cool, distant way of taking portraits but it's still so intimate and personal

  • He always liked to explore and was always positive towards his work
  • Experimented with steel knives for lighting
  • Famous for his opposition concerning sex
  • Captured sexual violence - the public did not know why it was sexual, there was a certain sexual atmosphere in his work but violence was portrayed very clearly
  • Nothing in his pictures were setup or new to us, it was already happening outside in the world; he was only capturing these in his pictures
  • He photographed the life he lived and his work was a statement of the time he lived in

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