Wednesday 19 November 2014

Connecting Essay Two

This picture was one I took when we were focusing on the element of lines. This element is shown through the lines made by the shadow of the tree as it is very clear and sharp, making it easy for us to picture what the tree really looks like in our heads. We were lucky as it was extremely sunny when we shot lines so the Sun has made the shadow more opaque; this helped me to emphasise the tree on the wall. If you look closely, you are able to see shadows of other trees surrounding the main tree but the shadow of the main tree is bigger and bolder than the others, making the tree look majestic. The theme of Autumn is portrayed in this picture as we can see that the leaves on the tree has fallen off. This gives out a cooler atmosphere and weakens the presence of the Sun.

This is a similar picture I found on the internet showing a shadow of another tree. In this picture, the tree in the shadow is made to look powerful and bigger than the other trees included in the picture. Also, the photographer prevents us from seeing the tree in the shadow even though he has photographed surrounding trees. This has been done deliberately by the photographer so that the importance of this particular tree is emphasised. No other trees are found near this one, they are all quite far away. This gives out the impression that this tree is looking over the over ones - almost as if its the 'leader'. 

These pictures are immensely alike; in both pictures, both trees have been photographed to look big and powerful, underestimating the other trees found in the pictures as they look smaller and unimportant. The photographer and I have both picked a sunny spot to make it look as if the Sun was directly shining on those two particular trees, highlighting their importance. On the other hand, the tree in the picture I found on the internet has no leaves, whereas the tree in my picture has a few but because the leaves have started falling off the tree in my picture, the theme of Autumn is present similarly to the picture off the internet, where a wintery theme is also portrayed. Although the angles at which the pictures were taken are different, both pictures still show the whole tree with all of its branches. This once again, shows how important and majestic the trees are compared to the surrounding ones as they have all been cut off.

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