Thursday 23 October 2014

Work Diary - Shape

This session was extremely fun and I think this has been one of my favourite elements to photographs. I enjoyed going around college campus and finding interesting and unusual ways to photograph shape. This was fairly easy because shape is almost everywhere so it wasn't hard to find however, the challenging part of the session was to figure out how I could take a picture of a particular shape and make it looks exciting. I found finding ways to do this hard because shapes can be extremely boring and I had to be careful with the different angles I could use because I didn't want to lose the shape shown.

I think this picture is definitely one of my successful ones because the rectangular shape stands out due to the contrast between the white the the green in the background, this aids to emphasise the element of shape. The dark brown soil also adds to this contrast and further emphasises the shape I am trying to show. All of the different colours that are present in this image makes the white fence look brighter and cleaner than it actually is, the Sun has also helped with this. At first, I didn't like how the plant covers the fence a little bit in the corner, but I soon realised that this makes the image even more exciting; it cuts off the fence but the shape is still very clear. I think the angle in which I took the picture was a good one because the entire fence is shown but it looks stretched in a way - this creates some sort of illusion when you first look at the picture.

On the other hand, this picture didn't turn out as good as I expected it to because the shape I wanted the viewer to see wasn't very clear. This is because the building in the background ruins the atmosphere I was trying to set and clashes with the shape I was trying to show. I think the angle is completely wrong, I should have used an angle where the background is a completely different colour and plain, this way I can get the viewer to focus on the diamond shape and make if stand out. I could also have blurred the building in the background and see how the image looks then.

Moreover, if I have the opportunity to repeat this session, I would focus more on nature. I would try to find unusual shapes that can be found instead of the typical leaf or petal shape.

I could find repetitive shapes like this one to emphasise on this element.

I could also blur the background in my pictures so that the shapes stand out clearly.

I would also attempt to take photographs using silhouettes of nature like in this picture. I think this will give my pictures a mysterious and adventurous effect.

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