Sunday 12 October 2014

Definition - Movement

An act of moving.

My own definition:
The way something or someone moves and how fast or slow they do so.

This picture uses blurring to show the element of movement. By using this particular method, the photographer is able to show the direction and the speed of the movement made by the dancer. Also, because the blurring is quite smooth and curvy, the gracefulness of the dance is shown.

In this picture, the photographer has taken this photograph in the very moment that this event happened. He/She has been able to show just how fast this movement is by zooming in and by having the correct timing.

Blurring is also used in this picture for the background as well as the dog's legs. This creates an illusion and makes it seem like the dog is going even faster than it actually was because its' legs are blurry, the viewer thinks that he's moving way too fast for the photographer to be able to capture the legs.

Once more, blurring is used in this picture to show the element of movement. However, unlike the other pictures, blurring is used all the picture and this has been done so that the viewer can see how busy the underground is.

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